Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tumblr is Cool - My new blog about things I am grateful for

I started a new blog on tumblr. It is a very short daily blog where each post consists of just 5 small items that I am grateful for. In fact, the blog is called Grateful For The Small Things. 

Each day, I post just 5 items that I am grateful for. For me, it is a great way to stay positive and remember that life is full of little surprises. Remember the little things and the big things won't seem so bad. 

A friend of mine started doing this on Facebook awhile ago and is now well over 1000. That means she has already been able to fill up over 200 days of things she is grateful for. That is inspiring. 

Here is the link to my tumblr blog: Grateful For The Small Things 

Stay positive!
Kayleigh Apicerno

Monday, July 30, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cone!

On our way home from the CT Wine Festival, my boyfriend pulls into an ice cream shop unexpectedly. I was not planning on buying anything until I saw this cone (above).

It is a chocolate chip cookie cone. That's right, a chocolate chip cookie in the shape of an ice cream cone! As soon as I saw that, I knew I had to try it.

Let me just say, the cheesecake flavored soft serve I had them fill it with was also delicious.

What a treat. Some of the best moments in life are those that are completely unexpected.

Kayleigh Apicerno

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The magic button — Make Everything OK

The magic button — Make Everything OK

I found this site and had to share. Having a bad day? Try out the make everything ok button


Saturday, July 28, 2012

CT Wine Festival

It's that time of year again. This weekend is the CT Wine Festival in Goshen, CT. I have had my tickets for weeks now and can't wait for noon tomorrow.

Last year was my first time going and John and I had tons of fun and knew we would be coming back this year. It's like a carnival for grownups!

Wine tastings from pretty much all of the CT wineries, specialty food tastings, live music, craft sales, and more! What more could you ask for?

I probably won't be posting anymore this weekend, so until next week,

Kayleigh Apicerno ♥

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Mouse In My House!

The other day, I went in the cupboard to fetch my dog a treat only to discover they were all gone!

Fortunately, there were only a couple left anyway. The box was not empty. A mouse had left some droppings in return.

We had a mouse in this same cupboard a few months ago, back when the weather was still cold. He was caught and is long gone by now, so it looks as if another mouse is sneaking around in the walls.

I can't blame him. He is hungry and i would probably do the same thing if I were a mouse.

Dear Mouse,
You better watch out. My boyfriend is not as understanding as I am.

Kayleigh Apicerno

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Friends Are Wonderful

"Kayleigh Apicerno loves her friends!" 

It's a fact. I have great friends. No matter what is going on in my life, I know that I can count on my friends for kind and supportive words. If there were more hours in the day, or if I was able to work shorter hours, I would want to fill the extra time by spending time with my friends and, of course, the boyfriend. 

And now here is an adorable picture to make you smile:

Happy Days to our friends!
Kayleigh Apicerno

Monday, July 23, 2012

Kayleigh's Musings (2) - Jobs and Weekends

This past weekend was very busy. It feels as if last Friday was more than just a few days ago. How strange weekends can be. Some of them seem to go by in the blink of an eye while others linger for awhile. Personally, I enjoy the ones that linger.

The weather was near perfect and I finally made it to the beach. The boyfriend and I spent all but a few hours together, except for the time when he was at a meeting and I was with my best friend (and her new kitten!). It was good to see her.

But now it is back to work and another crazy busy week. I do not feel that I am "living for the weekend" but it would be fine with me if something exciting and positive happened during my work days. Each day starts to feel just like the day before around the office.

I cannot complain, however, since I have a job and it is a fairly good one at that.

Happy Days
Kayleigh Apicerno

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kayleigh's Musings 2

I took a walk today at the beautiful park on the street where I work. It was about 94 degrees out, but that didn't bother me until the last 5 minutes.

Here is a great picture I took with my phone during my walk:

And another picture of the woods:

It was all very nice, except for the bugs. There were lots of little flies everywhere. I realized why I don't do this walk everyday. Although walking is really good for me (and free [especially because I walked to the park and back to the office]), but sometimes it just isn't worth it. 

The smart person that I am, I took a second walk today. My sister and I walked around downtown after work just for some exercise. There were hardly any bugs and, again, the heat didn't really bother me until the last leg of the walk. Walking is great, but not in this heat and humidity.

Happy Day!
Kayleigh Apicerno

So Happy For Cheesecake

I am so excited! I just got a LivingSocial deal for my favorite cheesecake place! As soon as my third friend's purchase goes though, mine will be reimbursed! Free cheesecake!

Cheesecake is probably my favorite food and Stockbridge's makes the best around. Just look at that picture.  I can almost taste it. I'm going for a nice walk now instead of eating a slice of that delicious food!

Oh, Happy Day!
Kayleigh Apicerno ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Frugal Fitness (1)

Budgeting my not be my strong suit, but when it comes to not spending money on something, I am a champ. Not only do I hate spending money, I don't have that much to spend. Even when it comes to being fit, which I consider an investment in myself and my future, spending money is not an option. 

If someone asked me, "Kayleigh, would you like to join the gym with me?" I would have to say no. Going to the gym is not for me. Being motivated to staying healthy without spending money has led to some interesting experiments. Many of them have proven useful. 

For example, instead of buying classes at a gym or workout videos, I search YouTube and find free workouts there. And let me tell you, there are a ton of great videos there. Search by abs, legs, arms, or by time. 

Here is the first ads workout that I started doing once or twice a week until I mastered it. 

I will be posting more of my frugal fitness tips in the up coming days and weeks. But now it's time for me to get off my butt and work on my abs! 

Happy Days, 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kayleigh's Musings 1

A most interesting event occurred at work this morning. My boss handed me a magazine he had received in the mail. Website Magazine is its name. He said I would get more out of it than he would since I manage the company website.

During my 10 minute break, I started flipping through the pages and reading some of the shorter articles. There is magic in hardcopy print. It is an experience one simply cannot have reading articles online. Even the ads were interesting to me.

I look forward to reading the rest of the magazine and marking the pages with a pen. This is something that I have not had to opportunity to do for a long time.

Happy Day!
-Kayleigh Apicerno

Monday, July 9, 2012


One of my favorite summer activities is making s'mores. They are simply delicious. But I had no idea there were so many ways to eat them. On this Pinterest board: Kayleigh Apicerno's S'Mores Board, I have compiled over 100 different s'mores pins.

Who would have thought that marshmallow, chocolate, and graham crackers could be made into so many different delectable treats? 

Doesn't this look tasty?

or this one?

To believe I have lived 26 years without making a smoreo! 

Happy Day!
-Kayleigh Apicerno

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Staring at a blank text box can sometimes be daunting. All of that empty white space. It feels as if it will take a long time to fill the entire box. I enjoy writing, but every now and then, when I don't have a clear idea of what to write about, these text boxes seem very large. That is when I start writing about nothing, for I know once I start writing, something will start to be created.

Happy Day!
Kayleigh Apicerno

Just Smile

Have you ever felt sad or depressed and wondered if there was anything that could make you feel better? Try smiling. I'm serious. Just start smiling. It's pretty amazing. All you have to do is smile. Just start smiling. That's it.

I was pretty stressed at work the other day. I remembered seeing a quote online that said something along the line of "Just smile and you will start to feel better instantly." I figured, what they hey, might as well try it. Almost as soon as I did, it started to work and I started to feel happier.

Smiling releases serotonin in your brain, a chemical that makes you feel happy. That is why this works.

Just keep smiling!

Happy Days!
Kayleigh Apicerno

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lizzie and Kayleigh

Lizzie is the most wonderful dog in the world. At least that is what her owner, Kayleigh Apicerno, thinks.

Her full name is Lizzie D. Puppy, and she is a four year old Rottweiler. Kayleigh still says she is a big goofy puppy though! And she is. Lizzie spends her days sleeping and getting belly rubs. What a life!

Apicerno comments often, "I love this dog!" and "What, she's not spoiled. Okay, maybe a little!"

When Kayleigh and Lizzie are together, everyone in the room can feel the love.
Kayleigh Apicerno is a young woman who is trying to do her best at life. She has a full time job, does some freelance blogging, is on the board of her local young professionals networking group (through the local Chamber of Commerce), and has a wonderful loving boyfriend.

The name Kayleigh was given to her by her parents after they heard a song, "Kayleigh" by Marillion. Her surname, Apicerno, is her father's name. Apicerno is of Italian decent on her father's side, and English/Irish on her mother's.

Kayleigh has many goals for her life. She wants to travel, learn as much as possible, become financially independent, and raise a loving family.